Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Good Works 6 - Service outside your Home

Value experiences: Good Works #6
Date: February 5, 2014
Leader: Sis. Hagen
Participants: Ashley, Caila, Heidi, Hailey Brittney, Rachel, Madison, Riley, Teagan, Kelsey, Arriah, Khasia, Shanarah, Emily, Sarah, Mikayla, Amber, Sandra, Sis. Hodapp, Sis. Quist, Sis. Hagen, Sis. Fife, Sis. Warner

Accomplished at the Activity:
        * We worked at the Granite Falls Food Bank organizing, re-shelving, and cleaning the food bank and sorting LOTS and LOTS of non perishables and potatoes!

Still need to do:
        * Spend at least another two hours giving service outside your family
        * Write in your journal the reactions of the people you served and possible goals for future service opportunities

Getting instructions when we first got there....

Then we started sorting...lots and lots of sorting needed to be done!

 A lucky few had the opportunity to scrub out the fridge and clean the bathroom.

 And then we set to sorting potatoes into 5lb bags...there were hundreds of pounds of potatoes to go through, and we put a serious dent in their pile!
 Some kids also got to put animal food into smaller bags...there are hungry animals out there too who need a little help now and then. :-)


Knowledge #4 - sacrament talks

Value experiences: Knowledge #4
Date: it varies on which Sunday you are asked to talk
Leader: bishopric
Participants: Dansil,  Mikayla, Ashley, Arriah, Khasia, Maddie V., Riley, Sarah, Kelsey, Teagan, Shanarah, Amber, Caila(?), Heidi, Sis. Warner, Sis. Quist, Sis Hagen, Sis. Fife

*****(if you've already done this and I don't remember, just let me know and I can add you to your list. Just leave a comment at the bottom and I will get your name up here)

Accomplished at the Activity:
        * Select a principle you would like to understand better, read scriptures and words of latter-day prophets that relate to it
        * Prepare a five minute talk and give it in sacrament

Still need to do:
        * record in your journal how you can apply this gospel principal in your life

Individual Worth #5 - Sing in Sacrament

Value experiences: Individual Worth #5
Date:  ?
Leader: Sis. Hodapp
Participants: I'm sorry I don't remember...but you know who you are. If you stood up and sang in sacrament meeting, then this can get checked off. We'll be singing again in February 2014 

Accomplished at the Activity:
        * Participated in a music performance at church
Still need to do:
        * record in your journal how your participation in this activity strengthened your feelings of self worth and self-confidence

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Integrity #2 - Integrity Self-Assessment

Value experiences: Integrity #2
Date: January 22, 2014
Leader: Sis. Fife
Participants:  Khasia, Sarah, Heidi, Brittney, Ashley, Mikayla, Arriah, Caila, Rachel, Shanarah, Maddie V., Hannah Y., Emily, Hailey, Teagan, Kelsey, Sandra, Riley,  Sis.Fife

Accomplished at the Activity:
        * We learned the definition of and about the importance of integrity
        * We broke into teams around puzzle tables and related how our lives are like puzzles. There were prizes given out at the end of each round to the winning team.
~ Round 1: We have to have all the aspects of our lives flipped up the right way (all the teams raced to flip all their pieces right side up)
~  Round 2: we have to have a border of rules that define who we are and where we will and won't go with our decisions (that was us racing to put the edge border together).
~ Round 3: Then we filled our lives in with all our decisions (they raced to finish their puzzles) and saw what a beautiful masterpiece we could be if we lead integrity filled lives.
~ Round 4: we cleaned up the puzzles and got ready to fill out the self assessments
        * We also filled out the following self-assessment to take home
        * We also played integrity charades where each team pantomimed a situation where integrity was needed and the other teams tried to guess what they were doing.

Still need to do:
        * Pray for daily help to lead a life full of integrity
        * Write in your journal the things you can do to improve your personal integrity and at least one new habit you want to develop

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Knowledge #2 - Making Personal Progress Packets

Value experiences: Knowledge #2
Date: January 15, 2014
Leader: Sis. Hagen
Participants: Dansil, Hannah Y., Mikayla, Ashley, Arriah, Khasia, Maddie V., Riley, Madison, Rachel, Sarah, Kelsey, Teagan, Shanarah, Amber, Sandra, Sis. Warner, Sis Hagen, Sis. Fife

(Knowledge #2 is a pretty easy one to do and there are quite a few of our activities that we do that could fall under this value. If you have already finished Knowledge 2 then this was just a fun activity to participate in, or you could try to relate it to another value as a write in, just make sure that if you are going to use it as a write in experience that you get it approved for that value first.)

Accomplished at the Activity:
        * We made our own Personal Progress Packets to hold all our PP items together in one place out of place mats and ribbon.
        * We made extra packets for the incoming Beehives and those girls who weren't with us tonight
        * We practiced sewing skills, measuring skills, and patience!

***I also challenged all the girls to draw a value pencil from a bag and in the next month they will accomplish at least one experience from that given value. All the girls accepted and I wrote down who had which value and will follow up at next month's PP night!

Still need to do:
        * list in your journal talents you have and others you would like to develop
        * Read Matthew 25:14-30
Working at the sewing machines and pinning the place mats in the correct spots to fit our books and pencils.
 The girls all helped each other out whenever help was needed.

 Twenty girls and four machines meant that there was also time to chit chat a bit and hang out together!

 Maddie dutifully ironed her place mat before pinning  and sewing!
 Our beautiful Young Women's value pencils!! The girls each drew one and agreed to try to focus on accomplishing at least one value experience in the next month.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

INdividual Worth #7 - Beehives and Laurels

Value experiences: Individual Worth #7
Date: January 2014
Leader: Sis. Carroll and Sis. Hagen?
Participants: Beehives - Anna Marie, Sarah, Rachel, Maddie V. Hannah Y., Hailey, Shanarah, Khasia - I think that was all the girls there on the Sunday you did this - if not, please let me know and I can ad your name!
Laurels - I wasn't in class this Sunday, so I am not certain who all was there... I know I saw Ashley walk out of class with a paper in her hand that everyone had listed qualities on, but I don't remember who else was in class this day...if you were, please let me know and I can list your name up here and give you credit in your book!

Accomplished at the Activity:
        * We learned in class about the importance of or individual worth and how we should look at ourselves as opposed to how the world looks at us.
        * We made a list of different kinds of gifts Heavenly Father blesses people with and discussed which gifts we have, which we've seen, which we would like to have, etc.
         * We passed papers around the room and had each girl write a positive quality on the paper about the girl whose paper it was.
Still need to do:
        * read 1 Corinthians 12:4-12; 13; Moroni 7:12-13; 10:8-18; D&C 46:11-26
        * List your gifts in your journal and write how you can continue to develop these gifts and use them to serve your family and others