Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Integrity #1 - Preparing for the Temple

Value experiences: Integrity #1 or Knowledge #2 (only can count towards one) (pictures to come)
Date: July 17 & 24, 2013
Leader: Sis. Hagen
Participants:  Emily, Hailey, Sarah, Kylie, Riley, Heidi, Caila, Mikayla, Brittney, Hannah E., Ashley, Erin, Dansil, Shanarah, Teagan, Sis.Fife, Sis. Hagen, Sis. Hodapp, Sis. Butler

Accomplished at the Activity:
        * We learned how to sew and make drawstring bags to take to the temple with us when we go.
Still need to do: (if using as an Integrity 1 activity)
        * Read For the Strength of Youth and reflect how the Lord's standards differ from the world's standards
        * Read Moroni 10:30-33 and think about what it means to "deny yourself of all ungodilness
        * Record in your journal appropriate standards for behavior, dress, movies, TV, Internet, conversation, literature, ect.
        * Write a plan to stay morally clean and worthy to enter the temple
        * keep your standards for at least one month, then record your feelings in your journal and continue to keep your commitment

Still need to do: (if using for a Knowledge 2 activity)
        * list in your journal talent you have and others you would like to develop
        * Read Matthew 25:14-30