Value experiences: Value experiences: Virtue 1
Date: May 21, 2014Leader: Sis. Fife
Participants: Teagan, Kelsey, Hailey, Brittany, Madison, Ashley, Emily, Sarah, Caila, Heidi, Rachel, Kylee, Mikayla, Dansil, Maddy V., Sandra, Shanarah,
What we did: We started out inside the building talking briefly but seriously about chastity and virtue. What they are, what they mean to us, and why they are important.
We then went outside to the parking lot where I had drawn a giant Snakes and Ladders type game board. I had a large 4" x 4" wooden die that I made that we used. The girls lined up in birthday order and we played "Snakes and Latters" If one of the girls landed on an all play all the girls had to do it with her. She rolled the die and whatever number she rolled corresponded to an action; singing ABC song while twirling like a ballarina, showing off best Muscle Man of the Universe pose, showing your neighbor your scariest face, etc. And if a girl landed on a spot with a question mark then she had to answer one of my multiple choice questions. I made the questions have to do with The Proclamation, quotes from the prophets about chastity and virtue, things from the sexual purity section of For the Strength of Youth, etc. The same rules applied as they do in the regular game too, if you land on the base of a ladder you climb up to the top and if you land on the head of a snake you slide down it. I put one all play and one question spot on each row and had a list of 25 questions that we could roll through if we needed that many.
It was a fun game and we ended it after the first girl made it all the way through by having giant Otter Pops. We had a lot of girls playing and I wasn't able to get any pictures of them in action, but there are pictures below of the board that we took while we were drawing it earlier that day. The painted lined on the parking lot made it easy to draw the game board straight!
Accomplished at the Activity:
* We read Moroni 9:9, Jacob 2:28, Proverbs 31:10-31, Article of Faith 13
Still need to do:
* Read "The Family: A Proclamation to the World"
* Read the section of sexual purity in For the Strength of Youth