Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Individual Worth #7

Value experiences: Individual Worth #7
Date: October 15, 2014
Leader: Sis. Fife
Participants: Teagan, Hailey, Brittany, Ashley, Emily, Sarah, Caila, Heidi, Erin, Rachel, Kylee, Mikala, Maddy V., Hannah Y., Shanarah, Sandra, Ivy, Christa, Khasia, Kelsey, Sis. Warner

 What we did: We started out our activity by talking about our value for the month - Divine Nature. Anyone who had  the value color somewhere on them got a blue colored candy...most girls were wearing blue jeans, so each girl was able to get a candy this month! Also, any girl who had brought her Personal Progress journal got a candy pumpkin.

We read some scriptures and talked about spiritual attributes we had from our Heavenly Father. We went around the room and  shared something divine in us that was unique and individual about ourselves.

Once we were done I had tables set up with papers with each of the girls' names on them. Each girl got a colored pen and we went around and wrote on all the papers something nice about the girl it belonged to, trying to focus on her divine attributes. Leaders participated, too.

The papers had a funny little picture at the bottom that I found online and thought the girls would giggle at!

 While they were going around signing everyone's papers (there were 28 all together!!) I pulled girls to the side to take a picture for a future activity; we'll use them for Young Women in Excellence in November and then again in December. I bought value colored plastic table cloths from the dollar store and after fan folding them and stringing some yarn through them, I hung them up to be a fun and bright backdrop. (I ended up bringing it back again on Sunday to snag pictures of the girls who were missing on Wednesday!) After they had their picture taken they could have some refreshments - blue raspberry sugar cookies and a water bottle that had a saying on it - Don't 'bottle' up your potential! 'Water' your waiting for? Water your talents and watch them grow! Divine Nature 1,3,6 Individual Worth 7&3

 Accomplished at the Activity
        * We read Moroni 10:8-18
        * Had the Young Women and leaders write down positive qualities the Lord has given each individual girl.

Still need to do:
   * Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-12, 13
   * Read Moroni 7:12-13
   * Read D&C 46:11-26
   * List your gifts in your journal and what you can do to continually develop those talents.
   * Have a parent add something on to your paper.