Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Divine Nature #3 - Hugs and Kisses Kits

Value experiences: Divine Nature 3
Date: August 13, 2014
Leader: Sis. Fife
Participants: Teagan, Hailey, Brittany, Ashley, Emily, Sarah, Erin, Rachel, Kylee, Mikayla, Maddy V., Hannah Y., Shanarah, Sandra, Sis. Warner, and if I forgot your name here, I apologize, just let me know and I can add it to the list!

 What we did: 
        * We made a Hugs and Kisses Kit that has 2 weeks worth of ideas of things to do for your family member you have chosen to try working on bettering your relationship with.
             - we cut out the pages and tied them together, put a pencil and a smile reminder together, traced out hands on craft paper and attached them with string to be used as a 'hug' for one of the days (the girls were to write down a compliment or something they love about their family member on the 'hug' and then give it to that person), and assembled everything in a bag with some Hershey's Hugs and Kisses for us to use on those days when it seemed really hard to get along with our person :-)
        * We played Divine Nature 3 rounds charades with characters and words that had to do with either Divine Nature or strengthening the family

Still need to do:
   * Do things for your chosen family member for two weeks to try and improve your home life
   * Share your experiences with your parents or a leader

Shannon Christensen YW Personal Progress DN#3